Saturday, April 29, 2006

At last - the big project is finished !

View from the kitchen
Originally uploaded by Phil_Parker.
After 6 months building and painting and sanding and re-painting, we finally threw open the doors to the Leamington & Warwick Model Railway Societies new clubrooms.

Lots of people turned up, Pete Waterman performed the opening ceremony. As half of the kitchen staff I served up gallons of tea and coffee (the beer was for the barbecue in the evening, it’s not one of the normal kitchen fittings) and cakes.

And finally I get my Saturdays back !


  1. Hi there.

    I was there at the open day on Saturday (with my not-quite-four-year-old son). We had a great time looking at everything, and yes, the new clubrooms are indeed fantastic.

    I also noticed something in the kitchen (and visible in the photo) that looked suspiciously like a keg of beer. Or was that just my imagination?


  2. Yes there was a barrel in the kitchen. It's not a normal feature of club life - this was a special occasion and some of the members had clubbed together to buy it for the barbeque later.

    Glad you enjoyed the day !
