Thursday, September 20, 2018

Garden Rail - October 2018

We've a bit more American outline on the cover this month, all the way from sunny Quinton in the West Midlands. It's interesting that in garden railway terms, readers aren't put off by non-UK prototypes in the same way they are in the smaller scales. I don't receive the tantrums other editors find themselves on the end of at least.

Inside we have another look at video on the railway. Last month there was a camera wagon, this time First Person Video where you can drive the train looking through goggles just like a real driver. Garden lines suit this as there isn't such a sharp edge of the world as you tend to find in OO.

We've quite a bit of construction as usual with a track cleaning wagon and low budget mineral railway. Mamods come in for some modification and an inventive solution to overhanging plants is described.

And if you want to know why there is a cocktail glass on the back of a wagon, you'll just have to buy the issue to find out...

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