Monday, June 01, 2020

La Passagere

Digging through the photos recovered from a hard drive crash years ago, I spotted this shot of a tine ferry that I suspect I took at a model boat show over a decade ago.

It reminded me that I'd really fancies this as a project and somehow, via a kind person on-line, ended up with a photocopy of the French edition os RC Marine back in 2007 where the model's build was described.

The article, which included plans was filed away and I did nothing with it, but now I fancied a go.

Digging around on the web, it seems that La Passagere is a real boat, but one that is somewhat longer than the model suggests.

Not to worry, I fancy a "messing around with Plastikard" type project right now and this looks like it should fit on the workbench very nicely. 

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