Sunday, October 25, 2020

My top 5 tools


A few weeks ago, James Hilton posted about his favourite tools. Well, I thought I'd do the same, but used the idea as a chance to experiment with some video. Enjoy!


  1. Excellent video. Need more of these please.

  2. Interesting selection, and works well in video too!

  3. I find the retractable scalpel really useful. I might have substituted a pin drill for the file. But it is the file I find most interesting. So often we buy small Swizz files of various types because they are aimed at modellers. But that is why we all used to make a mess of Airfix kits with tube cement! In reality, the result is we spend ages filing something that could have been done in just a few strokes, and half the time the file is too clogged to be useful anyway.

  4. I very rarely use a needle file nowadays, I seem to have graviated to 6-inch files. Not a deliberate move either, although I do remember being told bigger files were betterin my early modelling days.
