Sunday, March 02, 2008

Footie boat on the pond

Originally uploaded by Phil_Parker.
I'm worse than I thought at sticking things down. A quick twist with a screwderiver under the lead stuck in the bottom of the boat removed a chunk from the heavy side. Some better glue is in order I think...

Anyway, the battery was charged and I pulled to cover off part of our pool to try some testing. This time we'd be able to go forward and backward and everything !

Shockingly the amount of lead removed left the boat very nicely balanced. I'd been prepared to stick some back in but there was no need. The waterline is near the water line too. Sometimes you just get lucky I suppose, pity it's never with a lottery ticket.

Anyway, the limited testing gave promising results. I need to find the screw that attaches the arm to the servo - apart from that it all looks good. This model is very nearly finished. Speed is OK in both directions. Steerings good too, which it ought to be considering the size of the rudder. Manouverability wil be OK for my attempt at the steering competition this year.

Best of all the model looks great on the water. A proper cartoon worn out, dirty, working trawler. Just what I wanted.

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