Saturday, March 15, 2008

Kingsbury 3mm event

3mm drawers
Originally uploaded by Phil_Parker.
March is a busy month for model making events. I think there are 4 that I plan to attend but you'll find even more in the diary pages of magazines.

First up was the event run by the West Midlands group of the 3mm Society. It's not a huge event - you get half a dozen trade stands and a single layout. All this takes place in a little hut on the grounds of a school. Disconcertingly the building was labeled as a nursery when we got there, but all the people inside were grown-ups.

This isn't a traditional model railway show. It's closer to the events run by the O gauge people where the emphasis is on buying stuff and chatting then watching layouts. With the scale supporting very few traders, and that's using the loosest definition of the word "supporting", it's great for modellers to get them all in one place.

I left the best part of a 100 quid lighter with wheels for two locomotives, mechanical parts for one, several wagon kits, tools and a few other bits. Not a lot it appears, but enough bits to supply my 3mm scale modelling for a year.

The thing is that I only go to one event like this a year. Yes I know I can do everything by mail order but it's more fun going and getting your hands on the products. You get to browse while you are there, just going through the drawers of castings makes the journey worthwhile.

No rest for the bank account though, it's York next week.

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