Friday, March 21, 2008

Pilot boat

pilot project
Originally uploaded by Phil_Parker.
Now I know I have said ad neasium that I don't need any more projects. Even though an imminent change in lifestyle is going to leave me with a whole lot more time to fill, these things seem to come and find me...

But, this boat kit (OK, a few bits of vac-formed plastic, some plans and photographs) is made by the same guy who produced the Brede Lifeboat kit I'm going to do this year. And since I have a thing for orange boats (and cars but that's another story) a pilot vessel has been on my wish list for years. The two boats will look good together I'm sure.

Anyway, it was only a fiver so what the hell. I can buy the paint in bulk to save cash.

However it set me wondering. How many of these kits simple circulate through various modellers cupboards never quite making it to the workshop ?

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