Friday, March 07, 2008

Wooden box

Originally uploaded by Phil_Parker.
When I’ve spent a lot of time (& money) on a model it makes sense to try and protect my investment. That means in the case of the boats, building a box for transporting them.

This time construction is from 6mm plywood cut to size by Torries Hardware in Warwick. Basically I wandered in last Saturday with a cutting list and an hour later picked up half a dozen bits ready to use. Apart from shortening two sides (my design not the accuracy of the cutting) construction involved glueing and pining the bit together.

Hinges are fitted so the front flaps down and a catch is net up to hold the door shut. Using 6mm play made screwing the hardware on much easier as only the tips of the screws had to be filed off, there being enough “meat” to hide most of the screw.

A couple of coats of floor varnish (it was what was to hand in the garage) later and the box is ready to go. All I need is a nice day for a proper maiden voyage.

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