Friday, June 13, 2008

Shedded Y7

Y7 on shed
Originally uploaded by Phil_Parker.
The Y7 couldn't really be called finished until it had run around a layout. While my test track is OK it's only a long straight, to be really happy with a model locomotive it needs to see action on points and crossings with scenery.

Off I trot to the railway club and present myself at the O Gauge layout Kimble asking if I could run my new train. For some reason they decided I couldn't - something to do with extending the model and most of the boards being upside down being worked on or sans track or something. Inconsiderate really, I mean all they had to do was re-assemble a dozen or so baseboards and lay a few metres of track, how difficult can this be ? :-)

Fortunately I was able to do something more useful for the Mallory road group. They were testing layout electrics with a Heljan Class 47 diesel. A short wheelbase locomotive is much better for this job though as you can see where there is no electricity much faster. As it happens there was only one problem area where a point frog looks like it's come unwired.

The model ran around very nicely. At first a good burst of speed took out the worst of the new model tightness and then some more realistic trundling around the pointwork commenced. I'm happy with the result and people were complimentary about my efforts.

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