Monday, October 06, 2008

Chassis done ?

Originally uploaded by Phil_Parker.
After a bit of midnight oil burning to get the locomotive ready for a show I couldn't then attend, I think the chassis is nearly done.

All the bits are in place and sometimes everything works quite well. Sadly that sometimes is when the body isn't on. Then there is a bit of tightness. The splashers have been cleaned up inside to give as much clearance as possible there and I can't see an issue.

I've also used some plastic packing to raise the body by about 1mm - not what a proper modeller would do but if it helps I'll get an idea where the problem is if it does.

Worse, the rear wheels aren't glued to the axle like the others as the drive is here and it's harder to keep glue out of the bearings. Since the wheels are Society finescale items they have a tendency to rotate on the round axle. Sometimes you get away with this, sometimes not. This time I suspect not.

Anyway, the next stage is to test the model on the layout and since this isn't going to be available for a fortnight the model will go back in the box for a while.

And yes I know there is a wire sticking up above the middle splasher - I didn't spot it when I took the picture !

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