Saturday, October 25, 2008

Coach in G1MRA magazine

G1MRA Autumn cover
Originally uploaded by Phil_Parker.

I don't usually mention appearances in society magazines on the blog as the parade of familiar publications would be of little interest to most people - if you can buy it in WH Smith then fine, otherwise I stay quiet. However the appearance of a piece I wrote some time ago on the building a Mercian Midland coach in Gauge 1 prompts me to type up some thoughts I have meant to lay down for a while.

I joined the Gauge One Model Railway Association (G1MRA) a couple of months ago after building the Ruston locomotive. It had been suggested that they might be interested in an article which would help publicise the kit. Ever keen to lend a hand I did the writing duties and then realised if I wanted to see the results I better join the association.

The application form (downloaded from the website) and £22.50 winged its way to the membership secretary and a couple of weeks later the postman struggled up the path with what appeared to be a paving slab in an envelope. This turned out to be a fat joining pack and a couple of issues of the magazine. Very impressive.

The mag itself is an A4 sized publication in colour throughout. It's full of good stuff. The editor seems to enjoy the support of the specialist trade - hardly surprising in a minority scale, if you work in G1 then you are almost certainly a member.

The amount of equipment available amazed me though. If you want a steam loco and have a reasonable sum (around £1800) going begging the a beautiful RTR model can be yours. For less there are several kits that don't require an engineering apprenticeship. I'll admit that I'd love to have a go at these but don;t have the money or anywhere to run them. One day maybe...

So far I am impressed. The £15 renewal will be paid when it comes up next year even if I don't make anything else in the scale.

Visit the Gauge One Model Railway Association Website

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