Friday, October 10, 2008

Scale and gauge

Dave asks "I am intrigued by the Garratt,,,I have the feeling that it is going to turn out well. One small question (and forgive me if I have missed it somewhere)'s 7mm scale...but to what gauge? I assumed it to be On30 to match with convention, "

One of the hardest things to do in any project is step back and look at it objectively. In this case I know the prototype and so have fallen into the classic trap of not giving the basic information. This happens all the time in magazine articles often, and inexcusably, with layout descriptions. It's not always that obvious nowadays ! Hopefully this will stop me making this error in future thus improving my writing, making me more popular with editors and hence incredibly rich (insert evil laugh).

Returning to the real world, the Garratt I'm currently building is 7mm scale and standard O gauge (32mm). The prototype was one of the first in this country and used on a colliery in Atherstone.

Of course if anyone fancies an On30 Garratt, then I could do a good deal on building a Backwoods K1 kit...

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