Monday, February 16, 2009

Coal tub

Coal tub
Originally uploaded by Phil_Parker
First stage in building the wagon is making up the bogie it runs on. Not a swivelly bogie you understand it's just a plastic bogie kit that forms the underframe. The most interesting thing about it is the PTFE bearings - I've previously used brass so wasn't sure about this new fangled material. It's all a bit space age isn't it ? The bogie is screwed to the base of the tub with a great big self-tapper and chunk of balsa to acts as a spacer.

The tub is more of a challenge. 68 bolts have to be fitted. That's 68 holes mark out, drill and then 68 little plastic mushrooms to fit in and secure with plastic glue. Fun, fun, fun.

Good job then that I bought a pin vice with a swivelly wooden ball on the top recently, otherwise I'd have worn a hole in my hand...

Inside the box lacks detail so some 10 thou plasticard was scribed up and stuck in there. The floor is a slab of lead to give the things some weight. Without it they bobble along the track and fall off.

The brake handle is made from the supplied wire held in place with melted in bent staples. The instructions show the bottom being bent over but I fancied a piece of chain as this is what appears in photos of similar real wagons.

A bit of distressing around the top and this tub is ready for paint. Most of the build time goes into fitting the bolts - I supposed these could be omitted but the tub would look very plain without them.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:32 PM

    PTFE isnt that new, its been afound a few years, its better known as Teflon (ring any bells now?)

    but id stick with brass berings, PTFE isnt really that strong, and will soon wear away

    keep up the good work
