Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Stoppering holes

Filling HolesThe T25 kit is a pretty good basis for a boat. The body is a tub to which you attach the chassis. Of course the kitmakers didn't consider us model boaters when designing the model. While I can deal with all the big holes, it's the small ones that are likely to sink this project.

Scraps of plasticard have been glued under the gaps left to fit gear levers and other detail parts. I'm not planning an interior so these won't be glued up in the normal way. The plastic is fixed in place with tube glue (Revell Contacta) and then a wash of Mek Pak. I want to make sure there are no gaps !

Of course I did remember to test fit the chassis so I knew which ones had to be left uncovered. It would have been very easy to have these up with a well glued plate and then have a tough job scraping the stuff off again.

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