Thursday, November 25, 2010

Faller Hit Train

Faller Hit Train

OK, I've mentioned a layout that impressed me, now for something that amazed me.

At the back of the NEC hall was a display of Faller Hit Train. This is an O gauge plastic system made by Faller in the 1970's. There were sensible steam and diesel models of course but somewhere along the line someone got creative.

Just look at that electric locomotive. Have you ever seen anything like it ? Madness, utter madness.

Then take a gander at the engine sheds behind. Did the architect really think, "How shall we design a shed. Will we take a look at structures around the world that do the job ? No, we will base ours on a cartoon caterpillar." Oh that P4 modellers were so creative...

If I were a suspicious man I might think that the design process was carried out in a thick fug of sweet smelling smoke, perhaps in a Dutch coffee house.

More information on this website. All I can say, is, Wow !

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