Saturday, January 26, 2013

Wavemaster build

Wavemaster Build

On my Dad's workbench is a Vintage Model Boat company kit for a Wavemaster. The kit is based on an Aerokits model but with laser-cut frames.

Despite this, it still needs a building board - the flat base with strips attached to hold the hull profiles. This is just to keep things square. Once the stringers (curved bits of wood) are in place, the hull will be lifted off for covering.

So far, the model has been going well. At 34 inches long, it's no little model. The keel is supplied in two parts, joined by a jigsaw type lug. The join is braced with two layers of plywood either side so this won't be a weak spot.

Anyway, so far, so good. I'll let you know how it progresses.


  1. Anonymous9:40 PM

    Hows the build going? I am thinking of getting the 25" version.

  2. Hard work - part fit isn't great - but OK. I'll try and post an update on Saturday.
