Monday, October 27, 2014

Back from a land down under

Right - I'm back from Australia. The trip was great, none of the flying involved crashes and I'm now faced with trying to get back to normal. 

Whilst I'm sure no-one wants to read me banging on about my trip, it's my blog so I'll be putting up a few bits and pieces. After all, with no model-making done for 3 weeks, I need to talk about something! Besides, I had hopped to drop a few Aussie posts in while I was away but with the pricey Interweb over there and so many things to see, this didn't happen.
The BRMA convention went very well. My workshops were well attended and all finished with modellers having a go at the brick colouring method I now use. It's quite fun to see a group of middle-aged modellers wielding pencil crayons on resin building parts and being pleasantly pleased with the result.
During the main sessions, my talks went down well too. It's a bit nerve-wracking heading to the other side of the planet to talk to a group. If you bore them then they might reasonably wonder why they asked you in the first place. Fortunately, there were many other talks so if I had fallen flat, then there was other entertainment.
After this we enjoyed visits to many different layouts. All that space allows the locals to build some magnificent empires. I'll post a few pics later once I've sorted out the 2611 photos I've returned home with!

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