Friday, January 09, 2015

Finished signal box

Finished BoxAll that gleaming white plastic needed to be carefully colour matched with the existing paintwork applied by Mr Downes when he built the box.

Splodging various browns around on the back proved that Alan, like me, knows that GWR Brown and Railmatch Underframe Dirt are basically the same thing. The wonderful Great W painted things in dirt colour!

Anyway, with a bit of careful brushwork I browned all the plastic, except for the drainpipe which was painted weathered black. Not sure if this is correct but to be honest I was fed up with all the brown.

The results look very nice to my eyes. At the moment I don't have anywhere to use the box properly so it's joined my collection of models - a rare item built by someone other than me in here.

For the photos, I borrowed the L&WMRS O gauge layout "Kimble", popping the box in a field near one of the signals. I think with a suitable name board and some bedding it, it would look very nice here.

Finished Box with signal
Thanks to Chris Nevard, Iain Robinson and Alan Downes for their contributions to this enjoyable project. 


  1. Don't GWR signals only go down or horizontal?

  2. The box is on an ex-GWR line which has been re-signalled by BR with sensible LMS/BR round post jobbies rather than preposterous GWR versions that set themselves to clear rather than danger if the wire from the signal box breaks. Obviously.

    Either that or I couldn't borrow a Great Wobby layout for the photo...
