Monday, April 13, 2015

Nellie gets painted

Nellie painted

So, there I was talking to Chris at Phoenix Precision Paints during the York show.

"I need something to paint an Emett Nellie locomotive", I said.

"Certainly sir. Something from our extensive cartoon locomotive section will meet your requirements I think.", he replied.

Actually, he didn't say this as they don't have a such a section, but I did acquire a nice can of Blackpool Green. It wasn't chosen for the name - the colour just looked nice. Not too dark but not too pale either. In general, light colours never look right, even on imaginary locomotives. I once painted a garden rail loco lime green and quickly covered it up with Brunswick.

Anyway, other colours are obvious, except the metalwork. These colours come from the Darkstar Molten Metals Range. I've got them for review so suffice to say here, that I like them very much indeed. Metallic paints can be tricky, the Humbrol enamels need constant stirring to keep the pigment in the liquid for example. Not a problem here.

Now painted, the model looks a bit flat to me, so I think some weathering is in order.


  1. I think that's more successful than the livery on the surviving original Emett model loco

    He seems to have favoured a very pale green

  2. If I'm honest, Smallbrook studio have done a better job trasnlating Emett cartoons into models than the man himself did. By the time he was working in 3D the locos were caractures with ridiculous thin boilers.

    Of course, his models were limited by the need to work in metal. Emett was an artist, not a railway modeller after all.
