Sunday, June 14, 2015

History groups

On Wednesday, I watched a talk by my friend Andy Roden given to The Western Front Association. He was talking about railways in WW1 (from his book Trains to the Trenches) and they are a national history group interested in the first world war running monthly talks for their members.

It strikes me that there are lots of groups offering talks like this. Back in my theatre days, I used to make an effort to be on duty for the National Association of Decorative & Fine Arts Societies (NADFAS) because the lectures were generally very interesting.

I'm pretty sure there is a Warwickshire Steam Society, I used to go to meetings many years ago in Warwick.

More details can often be found on the web, at your local library or even on posters in your local model shop or museum.

Why not go and have a look? Get out from behind the computer and meet people occasionally, who knows what you could learn?

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