Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Showing a clean pair of vans

Two vans

A couple more projects finished!

The Ford van has gained some transfers from a pack sold by Road Transport Images. For just over 7 quid I have names and numbers for around 10 similar sized models. Lack of transfers actually stalled the project for a few weeks - there wasn't anything suitable in my extensive stash.

The VW is a longer term issue. I can't remember why I took it to pieces but I do know the plastic box it lived on on the workbench was really starting to annoy me. No longer, a coat of orange and some matt varnish followed by picking out the lights and indicators sees it looking good.

Sadly, although I have words the right size, the pickup version of the VW Type 2 doesn't look right sign-written. I know the panel van was sold on the basis of being a mobile advert years ago, and I'm sure that there were examples with the owners name on the sides, it just doesn't look right to me. I need to find a photo first.

Both models will be weathered at some point but not until they have a home to go to. I think the van will appear on an immanent project so watch this space.


  1. Thinking back ... I grew up in NW London and there VW pick-ups were quite rare. I certainly can't remember seeing one with any significant sign writing on. Perhaps a name and phone number on the cab doors and maybe the tailboard.

    As for body colour - pale blue springs to mind with lots of rust on the load space panels.


    Geoff aka Tanllan

  2. Orange was a 70s option but pale blue and white (with rust) was more common.

  3. Albatross Marine used to deliver speedboats with one on the back and one on a trailer. Pale blue and cream, like the boats, signwritten on the doors only.

  4. They used a Jaguar too, judging by the photo here: or is it a Daimler?
