Thursday, January 14, 2016

A proper Thursday boat

Bantam Sails

If you are reading this over your mid-morning coffee, there is a very good chance that I'll be out in the fresh air sailing the Bantam Tug.

I'm pleased to say that it has turned out to be an excellent "Thursday Boat".

Thursday boats are those that can be taken to the pond with the minimum of fuss. If the weather looks nice, the battery will get a quick charge, I'll make sure everything works and then it's in the car and off. At the lake, the boat is switched on, launched and then I get to play.

Some boats need to be treated like fine china. Some are too large to pick up and load on a whim. Thursday boats are small and reliable. They are also the hardest to build as everything has to be simple and well assembled. Not too much detail but enough to please me on the water. A good strong colour scheme helps too - you can certainly see the Bantam from a distance.

On the water, the boat is incredibly maneuverable, able to turn in it's own length. I've put so much weight in that it rises out waves cause by other craft perfectly. It seems to stay dry inside too despite the lack of coming around the hole. Water lands on the deck but (so far) hasn't found its way inside.

Back from a sail, I just leave the boat with the top off to dry out of its box. Ready for the next week.

Bantam Sails away

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