Thursday, February 02, 2017

Rolling stock magazine roundup

Etched coach Rowmark van

This month's BRM has a bit of a technology feel. There's 3D scanning and printing and loads of other wow stuff including some incredible model building.

Anyway, my contribution this time is a comparison of a couple of O16.5 kits - one etched and one laser cut in Rowmark. Both models are pre-production kits from Mercian Models and they should be available for sale at the NG event in Derby in the middle of the year. I've made a few comments but nothing major. The biggest problem will be giving them back. I really like the little van.

Wagon loads

In the latest Hornby Collectors Club magazine, we have part 2of my basic wagon loads piece looking at non-coal based ideas to fill your wagon. Pipes were inspired by a 1970s Blue Peter annual, but I've been a bit more sophisticated than their efforts with pasta!


  1. Anonymous11:49 AM


    This is not specific to today's topic, but I am just catching up after a couple of weeks in sunnier climes.

    I just wanted to say that it is good to see Brian McDermott's Saturday videos making a reappearance. That is one of the items that I particularly miss from the old MREMag. Please pass on my thanks to Brian for sending the contributions to you.

    No doubt it takes a bit of pressure of you if some content is provided for you.


    Colin Murdoch.

  2. Mike Bellamy12:32 PM

    Hi Phil

    I see you mention a narrow gauge event in Derby - I wonder if you mean the 7mm Narrow Gauge Association Exhibition that will be at Burton on Trent Town Hall on 10th June - it's only a few miles from Derby and is organised by the local Area Group based in Derby.

    Details here

    Of course it could be another event I know nothing about . . . . !!


  3. Mike. That would be the one. Sorry. Let's hope I can find it better if I get the chance to visit!
