Saturday, February 04, 2017

Saturday Film Club: London's Post Office Railway

Last week we had one transport system I wish I'd seen working, the Sydney Monorail. This week it's a transport system I REALLY wish I'd seen working, the Post Office railway in London. 

Once upon a time, post was fired between depots in an underground railway rather than being loaded into vans. Crazy idea.

Sadly, the system closed in 2003. At the time I recall a letter on the BBC "Speak your brains" bit of the news website where a lady demanded that the tunnels be filled in with concrete to STOP TERRORISTS USING THEM, a cunning way to defeat those fiends. Especially the ones who can't hire vans as they always make the mistake on the "Occupation" and write "bringing down evil Western society". Enterprise catch so many that way...

Anyway, the tunnels haven't been filled with concrete and later this year, we will be able to visit part of the system. Follow this link for details of the system

And yes, I would like to make a model of it.


  1. Do you know that part of it is going to reopen as a museum?

  2. Many many years ago I spent a fun Saturday "driving" the trains. It was quite odd to sit in the control room/signal box and watch them arrive and depart
