Saturday, February 25, 2017

Saturday Film Club: Re-use a monorail track

Aerotrain was a French hovertrain project developed from 1965 to 1977 designed by Jean Bertin. Sadly, his death and the adoption of the TGV as Frances high-speed rail system saw the end of this interesting transport system straight from the pages of Dan Dare.

The trains ran on a concrete track with an inverted T shape and part of it still exists. Nowadays, it's derelict, but this doesn't need to be the case. Although I speak no French, even I can work out that this video shows an amateur made vehicle designed to make use of it. Quite how it made it on to what looks to be a French version of The One Show (Nationwide for older readers) is a mystery. 

The vehicle reminds me of the early Listowel and Ballybunion Railway loco in a way. Something to do with the shape of the track I suspect.

Anyway, sit back and enjoy one of the odder methods of transport you might find.

Nulle Part Ailleurs : Le Chistera by Aerotrain-et-Naviplanes

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