Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Soldering people

File this one under "Things most people probably do but it's only just occurred to me."

Needing to both assemble and modify a 7mm scale "Heroes of the footplate" figure, I decided to fire up the low-melt soldering iron and fix him together with something other than superglue. 

Why haven't I done this before? It's a heck of a lot easier than using glue - the solder fills the gaps around the arms and more importantly, it's very, very fast. Within 5 minutes, all the bits were in place, including the ones I'd broken off when trying to re-position the legs by clamping them in a vice and shoving the rest of the body hard. The joins were good enough that I could file chunks off the bottom of the feet for final fitting in place. With a coarse file.

A little filler around that leg and he is good for paint. Next time, I'll remember and put the glue away.


  1. Rather than a hero of the footplate, I'd have said he was a Hero of the ocean with those sailor's boots, but really are there no better modelled figures than that?

  2. Bill Newstead9:29 AM

    Well said. Another advantage is the ability to unsolder and reposition parts if you make a mistake or change your mind. Not so easy to do with glue.

  3. Odds - The photo is at least 5 time life size on my screen and massive enlargement never does whitemetal figures any favours. There are better detailed models out there but not so close to the pose I needed. This will look fine on a layout from normal viewing distances.
