Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Brass prop miss-take

Miss-Chief at speed

A little more on-water action for Miss-Cheif but with a slight difference, I'd managed to buy a brass 2-blade propeller for her. 

Conventional wisdom is the brass props are better than plastic ones. They certainly look nice, but as soon as the boat was on the water, I knew I'd made a mistake. She still moved, but had lost at least a quarter of her top speed. 

The brass prop may be pretty, but the shape of the plastic one shifts more water and that's what matters. Fortunately, I'd taken both and swapping is a matter of only a minutes work. After that, we were off again.

I still think there is room for tuning, but sailed at top speed for well over 15 minutes and enjoyed myself so no complaints. 

Another addition is a set of advertising stickers. I know these boats wouldn't be thick with logos, but a BP shield (I've always thought it funny to use this as they are my Dad's initials) and Champion spark plugs on the side. 

They just add a bit of life to the cockpit, and while it may not be fast, this boat is pretty. 

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