Thursday, January 04, 2018

Didsbury Green continues in BRM and I go to Pendon

2018 hadn't quite arrived when the subscription copies of BRM landed on the doorstep. The bank holiday will allow readers to check out progress on my new micro layout "Didsbury Green".

Wiring up is this months job. I've built a control panel too, and being an unusual layout, it's not the standard box hanging on the back, but a built-in unit that provides somewhere to put the switches and a useful view-blocker for the entrance from the fiddle yard.

I've also taken a look at lighting with LEDs, perfect for a tiny model but requiring a bit of experimentation.

Over in the review corner, I take a look at Bachmann's new range of 009 wagons.

Finally, your DVD see's me going all Portillo with a trip to Pendon.

Andy York and I spent the day looking behind the scenes and chatting with the people responsible for the world-famous model.We even manage to end up in the pub!

As an aside, I do have to laugh at the keyboard warriors responding to suggestions that Pendon is the worlds best model railway with "WHEN WAS THAT VOTE HELD????".

Anyway, loads of good stuff in the February issue of BRM.


  1. My one comment about Pendon, a place I love dearly, is that some parts of the Dartmoor scene looked a little tired and less than state of the art on my last visit. not so much the railway as the landscape.

  2. Son and I had a lovely visit to Pendon in the summer on one of their Children’s Modelling days. The people there made us very welcome - Reuben was operating the Dartmoor scene by the end of the afternoon

  3. I have been known to stand and look at Madder Valley for some time and walk straight past the Dartmoor scene. For some reason it leaves me a little cold. I agree with James that it looks tired now.

  4. I admit that a follow-up where we attack Dartmoor with a static grass tool would be great.

    I did spend quite a long while talking to them about the issues of preserving old models, sadly, most of it didn't make the final edit.

    There is a real dilemma though, do you preserve and refurbish a model because of what it represents, or do you accept that this 50-year-old miniature building is an artefact in its own right and should be carefully conserved but not restored?
