Friday, October 23, 2020

Layout mascots

Layout mascots 

Digging in my stock box last week, I found my layout mascots. These travelled with us to hundreds of shows and occupied the rear corner of our stock display box. 

Lots of layouts have mascots - odd things that cart around and display to amuse themselves and confuse the public at exhibitions (remember them?). 

The little metal Edward is because he's my favourite Railway Series character, and I have been known to write under the pseudonym "Edward de Blue Engine". I don't remember where he came from, probably a second hand stall. 

The monster doesn't have a name, but I dug him up in our garden many years ago. Once the earth was cleaned off him, I decided that rather than adding him to landfill, I'd apply a coat of paint and varnish. That and an "I love Playing Trains" badge. 

Come to think of it, he looks like he might be a member of RMweb...


  1. Anonymous12:06 PM

    For legal reasons, it might be best to point out that other forum sites are also available ... (including some where your "friend" would probably fit right in) ... .

  2. Geoff in Oz5:13 AM

    Your Monster is obviously a modeler evolution, How many times have we require a third hand to hold something whilst gluing or soldering

  3. Good point Geoff - I could do with one of those third hands!
