Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Leave the door ajar

Selly Oak Arches 

I can't remember which magazine it was in, but I remember an amazing, beautiful, model railway layout where the author made the point that he didn't like little people. Instead, he left hints of their existence - a bike leant against a wall and doors slightly ajar. Enough to suggest life without static people. 

I'm not against model people (insert traditional note about not using running man figures) but I do appreciate the value of doors that aren't shut properly. 

The Selly Oak arches are coming along and I've followed my own advice leaving a door in each arch ajar. Well, except for the one furthest from the camera, but there is a good reason for that which I'll come to another day. 

I've also varied the design of the doors so it looks like the scene has evolved over time. It's not difficult to do when scratchbuilding, in fact it makes the job more interesting. I'm easily bored when repeating the same things!

All the above is in plastic sheet. Apart from the bricks, everything is scribed using an Olfa cutter with a few bits of plastic strip for embellishment.


  1. Coming along really nicely Phil, I’ve a feeling it’s possibly in an Iain Rice book, but equally I might be off the mark, however I’ve read it too and try to stick to it on my own models.

  2. I'm sure it was a magazine, but the same advice will be in multiple places. Wish I could find the original article as the layout was bascially a train set oval, but with stunning scenery and buildings. Shot on B&W which gives an idea low long ago it was!

  3. Was the layout in Railway Modeller, late '70s early '80s ? Bredon? I remember it being amazingly realistic for such a small layout.

  4. That’s really funny as without reading that article I did just the same - left a door ajar and a bike propped up - with washing on the line!!

  5. Simon - I think you've nailed it. I found some photos on RMweb which look familiar: https://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/79714-the-best-train-set-layout-you-ever-saw/&do=findComment&comment=1261596

  6. I thought I'd seen "Bredon" recently; CF featured it here: http://unnycoombelala.blogspot.com/2020/05/saturday-ramble-inspirational-layouts-10.html?m=0
