Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Big posterboard


Photos show a pair of large posters in front of the wing wall on the Selly Oak bridge. After a little measuring up, billboard poster being standard sizes, I worked out that my modified version could only accommodate a single board. OK, one and a half, but that's not very helpful. 

Details are sketchy, but boards tend to be pretty simple, it's all about the poster after all, so I made up a simple frame around the display area and allowed a kickboard at the bottom to keep it off the ground, as per the prototype. 

"Dinka pinta milka day" is a cracking design. Strictly speaking, it's mid-60s rather than late, but I'm going to stretch things a little because it looks so good.I have a photo of a Brummie bus passing one anyway, so I'm not totally mad. 

Around the back, there's not much to see, as this side is against the wing wall, but some supports will be visible from certain angles, so a little made-up detail is called for. The whole thing is Plastikard and quickly made. 
Wires fitted in the supports will anchor the model in the pavement - I considered extending the "legs", but would have to drill oversize holed in the pavement. This will be neater I hope.

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