Monday, March 21, 2022

Harecroft Mine Hutch - Part 1: What's in the box


I'm embarassed to admit, that Harecroft's Birkhill Fireclay Mine Hutch kit has been in my stash for at least three years. Bought long before Covid, it's been knocking around the office in it's lovey, tidy box, for far too long. However, it's time has come as I look for more simple kits to build to distract me from  doom-scrolling the news. 

First impressions are good. This is a more detailed model than many 16mm scale kits. Most of the parts are laser-cut wood, plus some acrylic. Wheels come from Binne and bolt heads from Cambrian. A good move - why re-invent the wheel (or bolt head) when there are people making these things out there who will happily supply another kit-maker? 

Three A4 sides of instructions compliment the model. Printed in colour, they provide a prototype photo and some in-build shots, although this is such a simple prototype, you could probably get away without them. A dry-run slotting the major bits together gives the builder confidence that this model isn't going to be abandonded half-way through the build through frustration.

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