Friday, March 18, 2022

Off to Ally Pally

All being well (with the current state of the news, I don't like to tempt fate by being certain, or looking forward to things) I should be heading down to the capital today to take part in the London Festival of Railway Modelling this weekend. 

For reasons we all know, it's been a couple of years since the last London show, and there are plenty of people looking forward to climbing up that hill to see some excellent model railways. 

I like Ally Pally as a venue. It's light and airy for start, which should help with Covid (remember that?) issues. 

It's also an iconic building with a stunning view, making exhibiting there extra special. If the weather obliges, I enjoy a stroll along around the building in the morning. The adjacent park is worth a look too. 

Anyway, the plan is that I will be taking the BRM project layout - DHAPR wagon repairs. I don't intend to operate it like a layout, but instead act as a demo, chatting to everyone about layout building and even letting a few people get hands on with the model. 

If you are visiting, please drop by and say hello, I'll be pleased to see you. 

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