Thursday, February 16, 2023

A little, angry man


Angry man
Needing some figures to populate the coaches my Dad is building, I selected Modeltown as the cheapest option. Since you aren't going to be able to look closely at them, cost wins over quality. Mind you, they aren't bad, and at under a fiver each, good value for money in the resin figure stakes (don't mention super-cheap people found on Chinese ebay, these fit my railway and are made in the UK). 

Most are generic, but this little chap (5605) looks familar. Painting a suitably orange skin wasn't easy, after all, I want my model to look like a realistic human. 

Anyway, he's all set to ride on the bigly railroad now...


  1. I thought of someone else to be honest. I was going to ask if he cost 30p?

  2. Good point! He does have the look...

  3. The hands look too large ;-)
