Sunday, May 28, 2023

Llangollen garden rail show 2023


They get lucky with the weather in Wales. At least when it's time for the Llangollen show anyway. Just like last year, it was beautiful. I'm not sure how much fun the event would be in the tent-style venue in the winter, but who cares? 

The run from home was just over 2 hours - not bad at all. Had I realised we'd do so well, I'd have bought advanced tickets. As it was, my Dad and I joined the queue just before 10:30 and it took a little while to process us. That's a good thing, as we want shows to be busy!

There are two halls, a smaller one mainly trade and the big tented area with trade around the side and layouts in the middle. As ever, I did a lot of chatting, and my Dad left some of my inheritance behind in return for some models. 

Sadly, we'd have done a lot more, and taken a lot more photos, except a minor familiy emergency caused us to leave at 2pm, when we'd barely been around the event once. Needless to say, what looked like a mountain from Wales, turned out to be a molehill when back home.

Maybe next year...

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