Thursday, January 25, 2024

Here comes the Fire Engine (and signal box) in March's BRM


Morris Fire Engine
I'm always looking out for interesting and unusual project for BRM, so when I spotted this whitemetal kit for sale, it jumped out at me. 

We don't mention whitemetal much nowadays. Years ago, you couldn't more for people wrangling with the stuff, but it's fallen out of favour. Still, it's fun to look at the old skills, and the quality of this kit makes life a lot easier. I've even soldered it together for added disaster potential. 

Best of all, I managed to sneak a joke into my intro. I wonder if anyone spotted it?

Some projects have to be found, others find you. Offered the chance to build the superb Intentio models signal box, I couldn't say no. A real hi-fi kit (reflected in the price TBF), it's a joy to assemble. The biggest problem is that I only had a couple of pages, so we'll be returning to this model in a coule of months. 

My short feature this month involves putting a wood load into a wagon. Just the sort of job to occupy an evening, and one where you'll see a satisfying result. 

Finally, we have a DVD again, and my contribution, apart from the voice-over, is weathering an N gauge wagon. 

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