Saturday, May 06, 2006

Flying Boat

Flying Boat
Originally uploaded by Phil_Parker.
Work out how to hold the model BEFORE you start painting. Wise advise that I’ve read several times.

So I need to spray the Tomkat with varnish and decide to hang it from a bit of wood hastily fixed up in the garage. A couple of cheap clamps hold it to the central heating pipework that runs round the edge of the room near the ceiling. The model dangles on some electrical cable I rescued from a trip to the skip. You can cut this when it’s time to take the model down, much easier than untying bits of string. Besides, I didn’t have any string handy.

It works - the model can be guided with one hand while the other works the airbrush or hairdryer. I had to push on the masked innards as they were the only bit not being painted but that wasn’t too bad. Except that the boat is in the way of the only door. So I hung it high to make it easy to duck under. This makes handling it a stretch, not bad for the few seconds that make you think, “That will be OK.” After a few minutes spraying I wish I’d hung it about 18 inches lower down and ducked lower !

The Beetle in the background ? Yes that is another project but one for a dry day ‘cos I don’t want to be welding in the wet…

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