Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Of paintpots and teacakes

Originally uploaded by Phil_Parker.
The photograph shows a 50ml tin of Humbrol matt black paint just before it went in the bin. As you can see there are lots of dried “tide marks” in it where the paint has formed skin and I’ve poked a stirrer through it to get at the liquid stuff.

50ml pots are a bit like Tunocks teacakes really.

Let me explain. I love a nice Tunnocks teacake. It’s a delicious pudding in a foil wrapper. Ideal - one is sufficient and not too calorific. When I finish chomping I sometimes think, “That was nice, I fancy another.”. Most of the time I resist but just occasionally I go for it. And then I regret it. You see the second teacake is nothing like as good as the first. I don’t know why, it just doesn’t satisfy in the same way.

50ml pots of paint are like this. Normally I realise I will end up throwing most of the pot away but every so often it seems like a good idea. After all I use a lot of matt black paint so surely it’s cheaper to buy in bulk ?

It never is though. Like the second teacake, the bigger pot never works like it supposed to. And I know I’ll never learn. That second teacake still seems like a good idea.

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