Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Selah (Fruit Row)
Originally uploaded by Phil_Parker.
I used to think I had the most reliable overhead in 4mm on my model of the Hellingly Hospital Railway. In fact it’s something I boasted about on a regular basis – not to show off you understand but because it had taken so much effort and pain to get it to this state.

This weekend I saw Selah (Fruit Row) by Andy Gautrey. It’s an HO layout with overhead electric locomotives moving bogie reefers around set in the 1980’s.

The overhead not only works superbly, it even crosses baseboard joints, something I chickened out of as I had no idea how to make it work reliably. Andy simply used a washer, which the ends of the overhead hook into. I didn’t believe it could work, but it does.

He’s also devised a device for putting the trolley pole on the wire at the entrance to a fiddle yard which incorporates a tensioning spring. It’s not as pretty as mine is, but a whole lot cleverer.

I suppose I can still claim to the top man in the 4mm overhead department but he is streets ahead of me and working in a smaller scale.

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