Saturday, March 22, 2008


warflat front
Originally uploaded by Phil_Parker.
Since the weather was against me going to York - partly the promised snow but mostly the wind removing a shed roof which then needed fixing- I've been able to put the finishing touches to the Warflat I've been working on.

It's come up nicely. The resin cast tank looks very good too and is a whole lot easier to assemble than a plastic kit one !

Tying the tank down needed a bit of research but I found a photo of a Sherman (this is a Churchill) strapped down to a GWR wagon which showed how it was done. Basically a couple of whopping great chains at each end and some chocks for the tracks. OK, so the chains should have shackles in them so you could put some tension in but I wasn't going to use up 4 perfectly good screw couplings when I doubt anyone will really notice.

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