Thursday, May 15, 2008

Ruston steps

ruston steps
Originally uploaded by Phil_Parker.
Attaching the steps to the Ruston was interesting. For a start there is plenty of step to get hold off with the sprung tweezers so manipulation was easy. And as mentioned before, they are sturdy so you don't end up bending all the treads.

The front steps are no problem to locate - they go between the two handrail holes. The rear are a bit harder and they go on relative to the door. I used the fillet in the corner (lifting ring ?) as an aid 'cos the photos show they don't overlap these. As it was I got every step in the right place first time - I think that is a first for me.

I did need to use a gas torch for this task. The footplate is large and soaks up heat but the torch gave me nice quick, local solder melting and made the job easy. I can hear engineers repeating the mantra, "The right tool for the right job..."

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