Sunday, June 15, 2008

KMBC open day 2008

KMBC open day
Originally uploaded by Phil_Parker.

The sun shone (unlike last year), the people were happy. We sailed model boats and raced model boats and chatted about things including model boats. Everyone had a good time. That's what a hobby is about.

My results:
Slingshot - Middling. Fairly average scores today. In the last race though I was flipped over and water entered the hull. The speed control is now playing up. There is a nasty gash in the side which will make an impressive battle scar when repaired.

Plank - Hopeless. Lighting the burner took an age. Once on the water it travelled about a quarter of the way across before giving up. And I broke the chimney off by dropping the boiler when packing up. A re-think is required.

KMBC Web site

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