Thursday, June 12, 2008


Originally uploaded by Phil_Parker.
The spirit burner/tealight/bit of firelighter power source for my plank kept blowing out in the breeze. Since I can't rely on a completely still day when sailing - the people with yachts won't thank me if my prayers are answered - so the flame had to be shielded. Of course air still needs to get in so what better than a fake boiler to do the job ?

I wasn't going to spend good money on materials and besides, I couldn't be bothered to roll something from flat so the part has been made from halfanemptycanofredbull with a brass tube chimney. Even this was to be created from drinks cans but sticking aluminium defeated me. At least I can polish it for the competition. Cutting the boiler with scissors was easy as Red Bull designed the decoration to have a nice horizontal element in the middle for model makers to follow.

On the water this all seems to work well. Using a firelighter gives the best effect with real smoke emerging. The can is held in place by a balsa slab with a hole cut in it. It has to go in first time though as the metal becomes too hot to hold within seconds. Perhaps I need to lag it with wood to improve the look ?

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