Saturday, August 02, 2008

Barclay Body

Barclay Body
Originally uploaded by Phil_Parker.
Practise pays off eventually. Thanks to several goes at this loco in 3.5 and 4mm scales the 7mm scale version took an afternoon to assemble. OK, it's not finished by a long way but apart from fun and games bending the bonnet - it's thicker than the OO & HO versions and needed more force than them to form - all was OK. The techniques used, including the bonnet bending are exactly the same.

I'll admit to a little cheating. Some of the overlays are attached with the Resistance Soldering Unit to same time cleaning up but apart from this a combination of 45w iron and small gas torch (for speed) were more than up to the job.

7mm scale railway modellers have one advantage - those handrails and bonnet handles are a whole lot easier to fit. A coffee stirrer provided a handy spacer behind them. That's much easier than bits of card used before as it doesn't get soggy from flux as quickly.

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