Saturday, August 16, 2008

Humbrol Evoco brush set

evoco brush
Originally uploaded by Phil_Parker.
What sort of name is "evoco" ? Wouldn't "cheap" be more appropriate ?

In the bag you find four fairly average cheapo brushes. Not quite as good as the President range they used to sell but OK for base colours and weathering.

I'll confess I've never been keen on the sable brush route. A fiver for each brush seems like a lot of money to me and the ones I do own don't seem to do a markedly better job than the normal brushes. Of course if I want to do some good painting then I tend towards the airbrush anyway.

However these are perfectly acceptable tools for the money. As they come you need to clean the protective gum from the bristles. I used turps but suspect that water would work just as well. None of them are pointed at the tip but then if you need precision that will cost more than 50p !

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