Saturday, August 09, 2008

Naming time

Originally uploaded by Phil_Parker.
My Fantail launch has been named. It will be called "Sooty" after a cat we used to own (or who used to own us - she got up one day and wandered off never to return but we think she might have just changed homes for at least the third time) who had a monika that seemed appropriate for a steam boat.

The name is applied to the boat using BEC vinyl letters using the trick I've described in this blog in the past. White stickers were painted with gold coloured paint to give the impression of brass letters - so much more refined than black lettering I think. And I didn't have any black characters to hand so I had to do this.

The mahogany strips around the top are also in place. I wanted these on before treating the hull to some satin varnish so they get a coat to seal the wood.

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