Friday, August 08, 2008

Panicy bottom

Oxide bottom
Originally uploaded by Phil_Parker.
This how NOT to paint the bottom of a model boat:

Look at the newly painted sides and think, "They look dry enough to put masking tape on.". Test a bit of tape on the bottom and be pleased when removal doesn't take the paint off.

Mask the sides up using a combination of proper modelling masking tape and cheapo stuff with newspaper.

Grab the can of red oxide primer from the shelf in the garage, give it a quick shake and start spraying. Think that is seems a bit empty but plough on anyway - it's only a small boat.

Run out of spray no matter how hard you press the nozzle on the aerosol.

Put the boat on the bench where the airbrush is (fortunately) still set up. Go and find some paint.

Discover your only can of rust colour is more solid than liquid. Pick another that is nearly the same as it looks like it will stir up OK.

Put the paint through the airbrush ignoring the regular blockages in the nozzle.

Pull the masking tape off and voila ! A nice clean line and well painted hull.

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