Sunday, February 15, 2009

OzSteam coal tub

Kit contents
Originally uploaded by Phil_Parker
I've always felt that the Bachmann v-dumps and tipping wagons are far to big for the smaller locomotives in the On30 range. The tops of the wagons come to the same level as the cab roof !

Anyway, on eBay I found a kit from Australian company OzSteam for a set of three 4-wheel coal tubs. The price didn't seem too bad so I "bought it now" and a week later received a package from the other side of the planet.

The kit is ingenious - the tub bodies are the famous crate as seen on thousands of Airfix lowmacs. This rides on bogies provided by (I think) Titchy Trains. Basically OzSteam have pulled several existing components together to produce the kit - very clever.

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