Thursday, May 28, 2009

LNW Coal Tank

LNW Coal Tank
Originally uploaded by Phil_Parker

With a final push the coal tank is finished, and it looks good.

The locomotive kit is a good solid and reasonably simple one to assemble. Whilst it doesn't give you a Finney style level of detail that doesn't really matter. All the fundamentals seem right. If you want to ice this particular cake then you can do. I made a few improvements during the build but nothing major.

LNW Coal TankThe real challenge was painting. Full lining is a first for me. I think the results have come up OK, but can see why you pay the money if you want one of the top painters to topcoat your model. The techniques aren't that difficult in theory but do require a confidence acquired only through practice.

In conclusion: Nice kit giving a very nice result.

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