Friday, December 11, 2009

Red roof

Kinkade RoofThe instructions for this cottage tell you to paint the roof purple. That is quite frankly, madness.

Airfix never told you to paint a Spitfire orange did they ? That was back in the 1960's too when people didn't know as much. Quite how the "Painter with light" managed to decide mauve was somehow found on a building roof is beyond me. Maybe he's OK with light and rubbish with pigment...

Anyway, this bit was easy. Deciding that a red roof would look nice I whacked on a coat of Humbrol rust colour and then dry brushed with a pale brown from the bottom upwards to highlight the edges. Finally some thinned track colour was dropped into the crevices and Mt Capillary Action pulled it along and into the gaps.

Strangely, since I've not been taking this painting all that seriously, the effect is very nice to my eyes. I might use it again on a proper model one day.

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